How to boost your immune system during any disease

Yasser Ehsan
3 min readJul 8, 2021


Boost Your Immune System

How important is the immune system in fighting the disease? And we get the reply “Above All”. It has been established that the immune system is the first line of defense in the fight against diseases. So we have to have a vigorous immune system to defeat the illness or at least its aftermath.

Aging or pre-existing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, any lungs or heart-related issues are the main hindrance in achieving the powerful immune system.

The following methods help the reader achieve strong immunity.

Regular Exercise

A person can be old but full of beans by regular exercise. Normally exercise gets the wrong end of the stick being perceived as building muscles only, in fact, it helps strengthen the immune system.

Physical activity reduces the chances of developing diseases mentioned earlier, which include diabetes and heart diseases. Regular exercise keeps the blood circulation smooth and uninterrupted making the immune cells sail through the whole body easily.

Sound Sleep

Lots of chemical reactions take place in the body when you are asleep. There are many studies that have revealed that a person with irregular sleep has less immunity than a person who always has good sleep.

A good sound sleep is one way to boost your immunity. Studies have shown better immunity for those who sleep seven to eight hours. Lots of things happen during sleep in the body and anti-virus cells are produced which enhance immunity.

Eat Healthy Food

Maybe You have heard the phrase ‘eat the food like the medicine or you will be forced to eat the medicine like food’. That’s true, having a balanced and healthy diet boosts your immune system and hence your body is strong enough to fight against viruses and bacterias.

You have to make 0your diet plan according to the needs of your body which requires vitamins and nutrition. Specially following vitamins are required to boost the immunity of the body and can be obtained from the following sources.

Vitamin A: milk, eggs, fish, carrots.

Vitamin C: Limes, oranges and lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, papaya, green and red peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries and cantaloupes, green leafy vegetables such as broccoli.

Vitamin D: Cow’s Milk, Mushrooms, Codfish.

Vitamin E: Nuts, dark leafy greens, avocados, and seeds.

Drink More Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is very important in the fight against the covid-19 and enhancing the immune system. According to a study, one should drink 1.5 litres of water every day. Drinking that amount of water regularly or making it a habit can be very difficult.

You can carry a water bottle with you which can keep you hydrated. Or make a habit before and after you eat something. Always have a water bottle along your bedside. Especially if you are exercising to boost your immune system and not drinking enough water can prove fatal.

So it is concluded that by adopting the methods mentioned above, we can boost our immunity to a certain level which can help us fight against the covid.

