5 Ways to Help Your Dog Live Long

Yasser Ehsan
4 min readAug 21, 2021


Pets, especially dogs, have become an integral part of our household. According to a study in 2018, there were more than 471 Million dogs kept as pets worldwide. The only problem with the dogs is they live a very short life.

“When you adopt a dog, you have a lot of very good days and one very bad day.” — W. Bruce Cameron

In the last 10 years, the mortality rate of a dog has increased by a factor of ten. Despite the love, affection, and emotional relationship with your canine, you have to see that one bad day. All we can do is to try our level best to help him live a longer and healthier life.

This article lists out the best practices which will help your pup live a longer life.

Feed Him a Balanced Diet

A healthy balanced diet for your dog is the assurance of extended life. Your love with your pet may end up feeding him like a horse but at the cost of his health. Make sure whatever you feed, should be nutritionally adequate.

Different types of food suit different breeds of dogs. You may have to choose between vegan or all-meat, or raw or cooked, there are attributes like age, weight, or health of your pup. Make sure to consult your vet and find a perfect balanced diet for your pooch.

Keep him Lean

Keep track of the weight of your pooch, as being overweight can pack a punch on his health. Being overweight develops multiple complications in dogs like joint or back problems.

According to a PMC study conducted in December 2018, the chances of sudden deaths in canines with fat bodies are greater than in those with normal bodies. The moment you feel your dog gaining extra weight, it’s time to cut down on something.

Make Him Exercise Regularly

Dogs love exertion for the better. Movement keeps them alert and energetic and generates healthy feel-good chemicals which help reduce stress and pain. Regular exercise helps your dog keep a reasonable weight and keep him fit as a fiddle.

Take your dog outside for a walk daily, play with him and keep him active. Inactivity, on the other hand, make them dull and obese resulting in a shorter life span.

Sharpen His Mind

Along with his body, you should keep your dog’s mind as sharp as a steel trap. A healthy sharp mind keeps the pooch young and active as with age cognitive function declines.

Training your pooch enhances the level of intelligence which is vital to increase the age span. After training, you can teach him new skills, new games, or even create your own games to make him find the food.

Get Him Regular Checkups

Regular checkups can enhance the life of your canine. A veterinary doctor can diagnose fatal disease symptoms early and there will be a higher chance to cure them. Take him to a vet once or twice a year even if he looks healthy.

Vaccinations are also as important as checkups. Keep yourself up to date about the latest vaccines and preemptive medicine and make sure to keep your canine vaccinated for all potential diseases.

Final Verdict

By giving your dog a healthy physical and mental lifestyle, along with some medical assistance you may be able to have some extra years with him. Feel free to have your say in the comment box below.

