5 Effective Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business

Yasser Ehsan
4 min readAug 26, 2021


The biggest obstacle in establishing a good business is exposure. You may have the best company with the best products and staff but you may end up with no business. This is because people don’t know if you exist, or if you are an option for them.

“You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.” — Beth Comstock, Former CMO & Vice Chair, GE

This article manifests the 5 best and easy marketing techniques to grow and promote your business and bring something to the table.

Google Ads

Google Ads should be the number one marketing strategy on your list due to buyer intent. That is, if someone wants to buy something, he goes to the search engine to search for it. Google has a share of more than 87% of the market share.

So, if someone is in search of a product, your product should be there on google. You should learn to run the google ads or hire someone to do it properly.

Facebook Ads

As the world has moved to digital marketing, Facebook marketing has the maximum potential to boost your business. Facebook marketing achieves the goal of conveying the message to the maximum audience as the total number of Facebook users exceeds 2.85 billion.

Running Facebook ads is easy. Select a good picture with a catchy heading and a nice call to action. You may start with a small amount per day and observe it for a week. Then you can decide whether you should go back to the drawing board or continue with the ad.

Business Development

As a business owner, you need to develop a good business relationship with complementary businesses in your domain or things are not going to fly. Try helping each other in the promotion of the businesses in exchange for some percentage.

Like, if you are running a web development business, have a good relationship with domain and hosting providers. One more example could be, if you run a massage center, have a good relationship with gym owners. This is because people exercising might need a massage once in a while, and the list goes on.

Influencer Marketing

This type of marketing is on the rise as statistics show the market size increased from 6.5 Billion U.S dollars to 13.8 billion U.S dollars in two years. You should look for influencers with a decent number of subscribers or followers but still not on the top.

These influencers will be happy to accept your offers in terms of small money and promote your business. So spend some time on Facebook, youtube, or Instagram, looking for these kinds of influencers. Chat with them and make a good deal.

Long-Form Content

According to statistics in 2020, content marketing was the top and effective marketing strategy having the largest impact on business for the good. You should have a long-Form content of around 1500 words about your product.

Potential buyers are always looking for specific queries to be answered which include the following

  • Cost
  • Problems
  • Reviews
  • Comparison
  • The Best

You should have all these queries already answered in well-written long-form content or a video on your product page.

Final Verdict

Growing a running business or starting a new business is difficult. However, in the digital age, we have much better marketing strategies in place. You can boost your business by adopting the strategies mentioned above.

